Thursday, 28 November 2013

How to make a cheap joke which can sell...

I read somewhere that puns are the lowest form of humour. I don't care very much for that finding because cartoons with puns can make a sale, especially if the cartoon sells at a local level.

And I find puns very funny. Sometimes.

Anyway, my client liked this cartoon very much because I used a pun. If puns create laughter on programmes such as The Simpsons, then why not use them in your cartoon?

I wish I could make the image bigger. To crop it would only make the image bigger at the expense of sharpness and detail. Enjoy, nonetheless....

Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Why it is important to draw fine lines

When you draw a cartoon, it is important to show your strength in creating a strong drawing. For example, if you draw a cartoon character in strong and bold lines, then your confidence as an artist will manifest itself through your artwork.

Many drawings have been rejected because Art Editors don't like artists with a self-conscious drawing style. They want a drawing that does three things: oozes panache, easily conveys a message in a funny way and reflects the style of their magazine.

If you mean to draw a cat, then you have to draw a character that looks like a cat. I like my cats to scowl and to have piercing blue eyes.

Over the last two weeks, I spent many hours using brush pens to draw cats for a client. I enclose the second cartoon, fyi, which comments on the ongoing filthiness that exists today in pubs and restaurants.

Monday, 25 November 2013

How to brighten up your day with cartoons.

It has been a while since I last posted some work. Over the last few weeks, I have been submitting cartoons for publican's trade journal, This week, I will be publishing a select few, for your viewing.

If you are having a bad day, it pays to forget your woes and simply get on with your life. You won't get much done if you sit around moping or dwelling on the past. And if that sort of thing becomes a habit, you will start to think the thoughts of a desperate man. Being able to think positively means you can live and function in a positive way. You will be able to plan projects, meet deadlines and you will sleep well.

So, if you have drawn cartoons over the last fortnight, like I have, do go to the trouble and post them online. That means you have to sit down, scan your work onto the computer, edit it, crop it and give it the showing your work deserves. After all, you are doing something creative, and this sort of thing will get you praise.

When you think how long the process takes (which isn't very long), then that's one thing out of the way.

This is called being professional. In other words, acting like a professional person who believes his work deserves a wider audience. Who knows, someone might print out your cartoon and stick it on the fridge.

Enjoy--here is the first cartoon: a situation we can all relate to!