Saturday, 14 December 2013

Easy way to feed a cat a worming tablet....

This week was worming tablet week for my cat. He wasn't very happy about it.

Like so....I look forward to the day worming tablets are made of soft chicken.

Getting my cat to swallow it was impossible. Last time he had his worming tablet, it was administered by the vet.

Boy, didn't he make it look easy?

So when I tried it, my cat was having none of it.

Solution? Bung it in a kitty treat and feed it to your cat. He might not be happy, though....

Too bad...happiness is knowing you got the job done and you can get back to drawing again!

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

What a cartoonist shouldn't forget...

A cartoonist shouldn't forget to showcase his or her work, even if you are not sure if it is funny. Point is, if you like your work, post it anyway.

Editors are judge and jury of the cartoon. What one Editor finds funny, another may not. But that doesn't matter. The same goes for your friends...

Anyway, enjoy--I quite like this one...this is what happens when you flout tax rules in pubs and get fined. You can expect a friendly visit from your local tax inspector, too...