Monday, 30 July 2012

How Five Plot Points Can Help You Create a Story.

When you write a story, it is important to know your plot points, otherwise you'll never know how to write your story.

You always will need Plot Points, which create the basis for your story. They are the skeleton that holds together the story. All you--the writer--needs to do is flesh it out by adding muscle and sinew to the bare bones of the story (ie your descriptions, dialogue, character studies and so on).

In this instance, I am going to use the story of a rogue dolphin--I couldn't find a shark--which attacks the protagonist (our hero--audiences love a hero).

Each photograph represents a plot point. 

Plot Point One: A drunken dolphin leaves a bar after a night out.

 Plot Point Two: He gets in a fight with someone and is intent on killing him.

Plot Point Three: He tears into his victim, and injures him. The victim is the protagonist of our story. Here, we have a 'revenge' story. If someone hits you, do you not hit them back? Can you see how late the protagonist comes into the story?

Plot Point Four: As the dolphin lives in a seaside down, the protagonist turns out to be a fisherman that once tackled a giant squid and lived to tell the tale. He accepts a £500 bounty to hunt down the dolphin. There, in no time at all, he finds the dolphin. He wrestles the dolphin to the ground and finds him remorseful.

Plot Point Five: It is clear the dolphin has a drink problem. He can't free himself from the protagonist's trap. He confesses to the protagonist that he is lonely. 

Now we have problems late in the story. We need to seek solutions. Closure. This is where you wrap up the loose ends of the story. It's very important that you can do that. Audiences like a happy ending. 

Here's how I'd end it: The protagonist comes from an over-successful family. He has a brother who is a tv producer. He takes the dolphin away to be the star of a new TV show. He offers a better life, albeit one with vices of all sorts (useful for a possible sequel about a junkie dolphin that frittered away his money on vices). Meanwhile the town can enjoy their summer and everyone lives happily ever after. The protagonist sails away into the distance. Because he does.

It's probably a bad story. But I'm not Herman Melville. I'm just a writer who can help you flesh out your stories. Give it a go. You never know....

Sunday, 29 July 2012

The Feel-Good Factor

Although I don't drive I am sure buying a new car is a thrilling experience.

When was the last time you made yourself happy?

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Location:Ramsden Rd,London,United Kingdom

Thursday, 26 July 2012

Why I like revisiting old movies.

Just recreating a famous movie scenario.

Can you name the film?

Bonus points if you can tell me what happens next!

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Location:Rydal Rd,,United Kingdom

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Why You Should Believe in Yourself.

                        Believe that you have it, and you have it.
                                                                       Latin Proverb

Short and sweet. Believe in yourself. Believe you have the ability to create something amazing. Believe you can make it to the top. It may be a big project you are undertaking, but if you do a bit at a time...small jobs...and the more you do every day...the nearer you are to your goals.

Short steps will help you climb mountains, launch a rocket to the moon and design a monumental building. Other people have done it, so why haven't you?

You should dare to dream big. Don't listen to the doubters. Listen to yourself. What are your dreams? What are your hopes and aspirations? Think big because you are capable of such a thing. Talent is not a prerequisite in today's society: it's persistence, tenacity and luck.

You make your own luck in life. It's not impossible if you try.

Good luck.

Monday, 23 July 2012

Five-Minute Ideas

Write about a time when your favourite teacher assigned you an hour's detention.

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Location:Riggindale Rd,London,United Kingdom

We Do Not Need Interruptions

One of the most annoying things any creative person is confronted with are constant interruptions in the home. It's hard to be creative when others are distractive.

For example, when I was younger, my bedroom was always messy; my mother always wanted me to do an epic tidy-up.

Now, when you are bombarded with orders to tidy up, it's a good idea to be able to think on your feet.

For example, when I was a teenager, a conversation with my mother might go like this:

Mother: "Could you please tidy your room? I don't like seeing the mess."
Me: "Shut the door, then. Problem solved."
Mother: "Well, could you at least pick up your Batman underpants off the floor? Dog might choke on them."
Me: "Has the dog ever chewed underpants before?"
Mother: "No. But you never know."
Me: "Fido. I've got some cotton underpants for you. Where are you, Fido?"
Mother: "Stop being silly."

It's said that one works better in a tidy environment. But sometimes, that's not necessarily true. If you can meet your deadlines in the workplace, then there's no need to change the way you live.

But from a personal point of view, you may find it helpful as an adult, to not live with your parents.

Self-development and personal growth are just as important as meeting deadlines. We all have to grow up sometime.

Whether we like it or not....

And don't argue with your mother. No matter what you do, she will always be there for you at the end of the day.

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Location:Ormeley Rd,London,United Kingdom

First Impressions

It's always important to look your best, even if you are a dinosaur.

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Location:Thrale Rd,London,United Kingdom

Sunday, 22 July 2012

How to show, not tell.

Over the weekend, I was quite the chef, and I prepared a spaghetti dish, called Spaghetti Surprise.

Many people ask me what the surprise is...but I never tell them. I want to show them the surprise. People like memorable dishes: this sort of thing makes life far more interesting.

You should also apply that rule to your storytelling. For example, don't tell the reader it was cold outside. Describe how it was cold. That way, you can let the reader decide if it was cold--you also want to entrance the reader with your wordplay.

Using this approach should help you become a better storywriter. You may even get published. Critics will read your work and decide if it is any good. Just don't worry if a critic doesn't like your work.

That's why I ignore any jibes about my cooking style. For example, I did not "almost" set the house on fire, as one or two people claim.

See what I mean? It's just jealousy!

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Location:Harberson Rd,London,United Kingdom

Saturday, 21 July 2012

The Politician

Imagine you met a politician for the first time (unless you have already met one). Write the story twice.

Once from your point of view.

Then write about it from the politician's point of view. Was he or she pleased to meet you?

As an encore, is there an incident that would cause a scandal for this politician? For example, an affair with a married woman.

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Location:Lewin Rd,London,United Kingdom

Friday, 20 July 2012

Tortured Artist?

You don't have to be a tortured artist to enjoy or create art.

I personally am not a tortured artist. I just enjoy the process of creating art.

Let go of your past and be a master of your own destiny.

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Santa is Ruthless

We always think of Father Christmas as a kind man. But what if Father Christmas was--under that red uniform--a mean-spirited ruthless brute of a man throughout the rest of the year? What if he put one of his deer in a pick-up truck, chucked it at the side of the road...and drove off...or drove to the Glue Factory to have the deer turned into masking tape to repair his sacks?

Write from the point of view of Santa Claus. Why did he dump the poor creature at the side of the road? What was the turning point? Did he have a nagging wife that wanted him to have the deer neutered at the vet's, which would mean bills....

Did the RSPCA visit him to investigate accusations of animal cruelty? Was Santa co-operative with the authorities? Or was he a boorish drunk whose behaviour was so bad, police officers visited.

Did the deer get its revenge? The possibilities are endless.

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Writing Prompt

Write about a time when you were late for an appointment. What happened? Who was present? How did the situation resolve itself?

I think arriving late for work meetings gives you a horrible sinking feeling. What do you think? It's nothing to smile about, that's for sure!

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Thursday, 19 July 2012

Maxim: Manners Maketh Man

Never be late for an appointment, even if you are meeting a friend (actually, I hate it if people are late meeting me)!

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Take The Redundancy Money And Run!

If you don't like your job and there is the offer of redundancy money, take it and run!

You have one life: staying in a job you hate will never help you shape the career path you were hoping for.

Just remember this--you have a lot of talent and there are always better and more gracious people that will appreciate your hard work. Surely that counts for something?

Are You Bright-Eyed and Bushy-Tailed: part 2.

As I said earlier, it is important to look bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. Here's five tips to help you look healthy.

1. Sleep well: many people under-estimate the importance of sleep. Eight hours a night is sufficient.

2. Eat fish, fruit and vegetables. Avoid factory-processed foodstuffs, which are high in saturated fat, salt and goodness knows what else.

3. Exercise. Join a gym or go for walks.

4. Master your alcohol intake: don't be a slave to alcohol.

5. Look after your teeth: a nice smile takes you far in life.

Are You Bright-Eyed and Bushy-Tailed?

This is just a simple message regarding profile photographs on social networking sites: make sure yours depicts you as someone who is happy and healthy.

A potential employer or headhunter of some sort may stumble across your site and decide on the basis of your smile alone that you are someone they would enjoy working with. This is where the Rules of Attraction can be a major factor ahead of qualifications where job-hunting is concerned.

So, do remember to smile!


Never accept a Facebook Friend Request from your Line Manager.

How To Come Up With Something Good

I find that too many creative people try too hard to come up with new ideas. Granted, it can be tough coming up with something radical for a project, film, or blog post. But it doesn't have to be difficult. I find that taking time to reflect in private, away from the world helps me think. Taking a where I come up with my ideas because the question I ask myself at the end of the day is: What Was The Weirdest Thing You Saw Today?

Then once I know what it is, I try to work out a story behind the incident. For example, today, I was in the Apple Store's Genius Bar when I saw a man eating scallops from a supermarket package. Then all of a sudden, his girlfriend started crying. WHY? Beats me.

We may never know, but it's given me food for thought (pardon the pun)....and I got a blog post out of it.

Monday, 16 July 2012

"Accomplishing something provides the only real satisfaction in life...."
--Thomas Edison.

And so when Edison spoke of self-accomplishment, he was right in saying it brings immense satisfaction to your life. It is true that he was a major inventor and one of the most important people in history. After all, where would we be without electricity...or the lightbulb?

My point DON'T have to make such huge leaps and bounds in order to accomplish something. Small things such as polishing your shoes (a much-neglected discipline) can bring immense satisfaction. It's a simple task requiring nothing more than a bit of elbow grease. Give it a go, BECAUSE when shoes have a shine, then that's a job well-done. If you can polish shoes, sure as hell you can change the world. Baby steps, you all it takes. That, and time management.

Friday, 13 July 2012

And this is what has happened to Caffe Nero at Regent Street, Oxford Circus, London, UK. I used to go there sometimes! It is there no more...replaced by a clothes shop.

This move disappointed me enormously because said coffee shop used to close at 10pm at night, whereas the other Neros across the London boroughs shut at 7.30pm. Some at 8.30pm...

But what do we learn from this? That in the world, there is always going to be change. Unless we accept and embrace change, our lives will remain stagnant. We must look for new ideas, visit new places and learn from others. For example, Nero now sells porridge, soon after it recognised Pret's success in selling it.

I know people like Nero's porridge because my barista is now eating it. Poor soul. All alone in the corner like a fairy tale character with her bowl of gruel. One of the perks, I suppose.

Tea is drunk to forget the din of the world.  ~T'ien Yiheng....

....I suppose that's why we go to Caffe Nero. Isn't it?

Don't ask me why I made (and posted) a picture of Skippy. It doesn't relate to tea at all, but I've always thought that Skip had amazing communication skills. If only he had his own television show. Hang on a minute...he did!

Today, I was inspired by the quote below,

Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.
-Henry Ford

Well, then again, I personally wouldn't say keeping your mind young is the greatest thing. We should also do the following: embrace change, travel to new worlds, sample food that is offered to us...and drink numerous cups of tea. After all you need a good reason to buy a cup and saucer. I love cups and saucers.

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

My fish. It's not a real fish, of course. It's important to enjoy your own company.