Monday 16 July 2012

"Accomplishing something provides the only real satisfaction in life...."
--Thomas Edison.

And so when Edison spoke of self-accomplishment, he was right in saying it brings immense satisfaction to your life. It is true that he was a major inventor and one of the most important people in history. After all, where would we be without electricity...or the lightbulb?

My point DON'T have to make such huge leaps and bounds in order to accomplish something. Small things such as polishing your shoes (a much-neglected discipline) can bring immense satisfaction. It's a simple task requiring nothing more than a bit of elbow grease. Give it a go, BECAUSE when shoes have a shine, then that's a job well-done. If you can polish shoes, sure as hell you can change the world. Baby steps, you all it takes. That, and time management.

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